Well, we look like we are inching our way towards spring. Problem is, that we take two steps forward and one back. All in all, the days are getting longer and I can hear more birds singing everyday.
Most of the snow is now just a memory. Photo looking toward 8 red
from 7 red green. |
The course still has some areas of snow, most of it is gone, but the remnants of the great snowstorm of 2011 is still lingering. The course appears to have done pretty good through the winter, early scouting for cold weather fungus has turned up a few spots, but nothing epidemic. The winter did some tree trimming for us, and the tops of several trees have been broken off, you will see us out soon taking care of these issues. We are putting the finishing touches on equipment maintenance. We will begin preparing for summer, potting our canna lilies, moving our tropical plants outside (in our make-shift greenhouse), and starting other plants from seed. There is still quite a bit of frost in the ground, and we will continue to provide updates as we move closer to better weather.