Labor day signifies the end of the season for us, cultural practices begin, and we take on a new sort of busy. Typically, we can relax a bit and enjoy the weekend, not this year. This is the warmest start to September in 58 years. This tough summer, is not goon down easy, we are out hand watering, and schools are letting out early due to heat! Crazy!!!
The photo shows that areas around trees continue to suffer.
Next week we will aerify greens, or "blow up" greens as some members like to say. I personally think that is an exaggeration, we college holes with sand, and in a week or two, they will be back to normal. We will aerify nine holes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Hopefully the weather holds. The sooner we get them completed, the sooner they heal in. Waiting later in the year means longer healing and more poa annua!
Come on out this weekend!
Two man event on Sunday, sign up today, there are some individuals looking for partners. This is the best event according to some.
I have had enough heat,