Monday, February 24, 2014

Golf course update

Our 2013-14 winter is one for the ages. In ways, it has been beautiful, the pro shop photo was taken during one of our storms and was so very tranquil. This winter was for all the people who used to say...." We just don't have winters like we used to..."
Well, you got one, nice work!
In case you are wondering, what has this winter done to the course? Well, I'm not really sure. We won't truly know for a time yet, but my guess is, a whole bunch of good.
Frozen soils are natures aerifying mechanism, the expansion creates air pockets in the soil, exactly what we like to see. The other good thing is the snow cover that protects and insulates the turf. We manage our turf to go dormant in the fall, which makes me over-protective of it from fall, winter, and early spring play. We are concerned about play, because dormant turf is not growing and cannot repair itself from the damage of play. Dormancy is very important though to survive our winters. Dormant turf has anti-freeze like properties of concentrated sugars in the plant to protect from winter injury. Turf that breaks dormancy too soon, or never truly hardens off, is very susceptible to injury and death during the winter.
I am very happy with how the turf went into this winter, with the snow cover we have received, and I look forward to some healthy turf this spring.
The next important step will be to keep cart traffic off of saturated and waterlogged soils as the snow and frost leaves the ground this spring.
All in all, a good winter for,

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